Unauthorized Scams
What are they?

We can help when you’ve been charged for a payment you did not consent to or intend to make. This is referred to as ‘unauthorized fraud’. This is usually when your card is used without your permission or somebody steals your phone and uses it to send money. It can also often be when someone has tricked you into making a payment that you didn’t want to make. 

If you consented to a transaction that turns out to be fraud, this is different and is treated as an Authorised Push Payment (APP) scam. 


What are some examples of unauthorised transactions?

There are many ways in which fraudsters can make transactions without your consent. We recently talked about this very issue on the BBC’s Watchdog segment of the One Show. Here are some examples; but there are many, many clever ways that fraudsters find loopholes in the bank’s systems.

Checks you can do if you are unsure if a company is legitimate

Victim of a
unauthorized scam?